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Senin, 22 Februari 2010

Website Optimization – OREILLY

Website Optimization – OREILLY

Website Optimization Speed Search Engine  Conversion Rate Secrets
In this book, for both business and IT manager, author Andrew King, President of Website Optimization, LLC, brings together experts in several key specialties to teach you to:
Search engine optimization – addressing best (and worst) practices to improve the search engine visibility, including step-by-step keyword optimization guidelines, category and tag cloud creation, and guerilla PR techniques to promote inbound connections to improve rankings and pay-per-click optimization – including ad text guidelines, setting profit goals, calculating and optimizing the offers, landing page optimization and campaign management tips Optimizing conversion rates leads – increase with site landing page guidelines, such as benefit oriented copy, credibility-based design, value hierarchies, and tips on creating unique selling propositions and slogans that reduce use Web performance tuning – optimizing ways to increase (X) HTML, CSS, Ajax, and the speed your download footprint to increase the reliability and Advanced tuning – including client-side techniques such as on-demand content, progressive enhancement, and inline images to save HTTP requests. Plus server-side tips include improving parallelism, using cache control, browser sniffing, HTTP compression, and URL rewriting to map, links and new traffic Web metrics – illustrating the best metrics and tools to gather information about visitors collect and measure web conversion and success rates, is maintained. Both search marketing metrics and web performance measures including Pathloss and waterfall graphs
“Site Optimization” not only provides you with a strategy for success, but also offers specific techniques for you and your staff to follow. A profitable website must be well thought out, are current, exciting and fast-reacting optimally persuasive if you convert the chances of them into customers, and get them to come back for more. This book describes exactly what you need to achieve in order to achieve all these goals. WEBSITE OPTIMIZATION: SPEED, SEARCH ENGINE & CONVERSION RATE SECRETS.
Download Link To Website Optimization – OREILLY :

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